Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Are you the type?

If your the type that falls going up the steps not going down.

If your the type that rights with your left hand knowing your right handed just to see if you can do it.

If your the type plays around with your parents and say you did things you know you not suppose to do just to see there reation to it. (and im not saying haveing sex now)

If your the type that see's everybody got right you go left just to be different from everybody.

If your the type that would step on the cracks and call your mom just to see if it had broke her back.

If your the type that see's one person did it and not it in trouble you do it just to see what will happen!

If your the type that would fake sick just so you can stay home and sleep.

If your the type that would drink coke and eat pop rocks just to see if you would really die or not.

If your the type that would change the station just because you know that somebody is in the car jamming to it.

If your the type that would get on an airplane and use your phone to call someone just to see if that would go down or that it would almost crash it another plane because of the signal from the phone.

If your the type that watch 1000 ways to die or a program were they say dont try this a home, you do it just because you want to see if you can do it or if you can really die like they said on the show!

Now if your the type that easily get pressered into thing because you peers told you to or you think it is cool and that all the cool people are doing it YOU ARE NOT LIVING ABOVE THE INFLUENCE! It ok to be different that is why everybody does not look they same!

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