Sunday, February 27, 2011

Is this you when your blogging? Do you stay up all Nights of the hours blogging? Do you constantly blog about any and everything?every minute?Does blogging make you feel like this?If your answer was (Yes) to every one of my questions, then you have an thing called Blogging-iodise which is just OBDD an obsessive blogging disorder disease.


Don't let the past steal your present.

Sink my ship!

“You cannot sink someone else's end of the boat and still keep your own afloat."

Bad ReportCard!

My Report Card turned Evil because of all the E's i had on it.

Apple to Apple!

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, unless it rolls down a hill. All it mean is that kids are like their parents a chip off the old
block like father, like son.

Friday, February 25, 2011


This is that face i get all the time to me it is just saying you better make sure you say the right thing right about now. But usually i get this face when i say the wrong thing at the wrong time/ wrong tone and i forget that i am not speaking to one of my peers but an adult and all this face means is "WHAT DID YOU SAY? (in a angry mother voice), people hate to admit to it when they know they having been talking way to much and saying to much when their getting in trouble. And in addition to that they end up saying the wrong thing out there mouth  and as a result you get that face and that famous line parents say so often WHAT DID YOU SAY?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Shades Of Life!

Color pencils are just like LIFE there are many people with many different shades of color and everyone is different that is why when you look at the different color in a crayon box none of them have the same color because you would never know the difference between each color if they all were the SAME just like LIFE in a sense we are all crayons with different shades of color and on paper we bring our colors out and together we all make a beautiful and colorful picture!

Walk in your own shoes!

The Spot Light Of The Attention just means your the one Standing Out.
It Can Be A Good Thing To me to know that i Stand Out From Other's that i have something very unique about me that people see in only me and not in just about everybody else, like I Mean Who
Wants To Be an Ordinary?. Take Your Own Path and live your LIFE that you want and  walk in your own shoes because everybodies feet is not shaped the sameway(you get it it just means that everybody can't understand the things you been through unless they experienced it there selfves.) And Dont Let Anybody step foot in your shoes because they have there own to walk in(Meaning LIFE).
Dont let any one Tell You Other Wise.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Are you type that sits down while life is passing you by? TIME 4 ACTION! You need to get up get out and do something dont let life pass you right on BY! How can you do nothing but never even  tired something 1st. DONT LET LIFE LEAVE YOU THERE SITING ON YOUR LIVING ROOM COUCH!

Any Questions???

Take the attitude of a student, never be too big to ask questions, never know too much to learn something new.
Never be afraid to ask question even a wise man ask questions at some time!







The Easy L.I.F.E


Sometimes i wish life can be this easy like the mathematical problem 1+1=2

My dog ate my Homework really it did!

Have you ever been in a situation and you caught your self using this line "My dumb dog ate my Homework". This phares commonly use'd when one fails to do there Homework so they blame it on what other than there dog. But what happen when this really is true but no one believes you because one day while in elementary school my dog did eat my Homework but sense so commonly use'd no one will belive you expecially your teacher!

Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.

                If you can't take the heat, don't tickle the dragon.     

When I was young, I never wanted to leave the court until I got things exactly correct. My dream was to become a pro.

BEAUTY of LIFE......

I what to show my girrl the FINER things in LIFE.


        To see the good things in life it sometimes like pulling a needle out a hay stack!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Road Of Life That No Man Should Have Gone The Ride I Was On Along…..

The Road Of Life That No Man Should Have Gone The Ride I Was On Along…..
This is just the beginning of the road of life that no man should have gone. Many times you hear people say i been there done that, but this road took you there and there was no coming back. I know because I been on this road many years ago…..

There so long lived a road where life were no more it felt as if it was a dream coming to a man in this sleep so if I was dreaming well dream on cause in that dream life was so sweet like if it was a bite out of a peach.  I was running away from life well life itself cause when I lost my mom I felt I was in this world by myself. I was a little boy lost in the world, I did not know what to do so I went to the window took my shoes of an flow Fly! Fly! that’s all I heard I was sowing through the sky as if I was a bird after flying, flying so high I remember the world that I had left by but that world change on me in just a blink of an eye not even an hour the world had changed so I went to a world where I was the same. I was lost like little red riding hood looking for grandma house but in the mist of that I found a little old mouse that took my on this narrow road with this Big old house and then start this is the beginning of life home is where it is at.