Friday, February 17, 2012

Mother To Son Langston Hughes Poems Analysis

Mother To Son Analysis

This poem is about a mother that has worked very hard in life and is still working hard, in doing so she has turned her life around somewhere along the line and found it to be harder to go back than to stay focus on your dream or destination. Now that her son is coming along in life, he now sees that life is not a crystal stair and there will be bumps and other curves in life but you have to stay straight because it not necessarily easier to get ahead but it is a lot harder to turn back and then turn in the right direction. Also, she is trying to keep her son from making that same mistake because although lifes' obstacles may or may not be a crystal stair it takes hard work to claim it. The tone of this poem is worried and critical, for example & i quote So, boy, don't you turn back, don't you set down on the steps." She was being critical telling him don't sit down on them steps and to not look back but to keep moving forward.

I really enjoyed this poem and i thought i was alot of meaning put into this and it had a deeper meaning of it.

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